Cash balance; cash holdings: cash in immediate possession represented by coin, paper money and negotiable checks and other paper commonly accepted for immediate credit by a bank in a deposit of cash. 现金余额;现金结存:指立即可用的现金,如硬币,纸币,流通支票和其他银行一般可以接受给以信贷的现金储蓄票据。
Brokerage companies shall debit the "long term equity investment-futures membership investment" title and credit the "cash in bank deposit" title byaccording to the actual payments when paying membership fees to obtain membership in the exchange. 经纪公司为取得交易所会员资格而交纳会员资格费时,应按实际支付的款项,借记“长期股权投资--期货会员资格投资”科目,贷记“银行存款”科目。
But in recent years, cash managers have started to avoid banks: in 2007, for example, just 16-20 per cent of these funds were on deposit. 但近年来,现金管理部门已开始不再考虑银行了。以2007年为例,存入银行的现金比例只有16%至20%。
Most good hotels recommend that you put your valuables like jewelry and cash in their safety deposit box. 大多数好一点的饭店都建议你将你的贵重物品,如珠宝和现金放在他们的保险柜里。
Many investors have chosen to park cash in renminbi accounts and short-term certificates of deposit that offer higher returns than their dollar-based equivalents, but come without the price fluctuations of bonds. 许多投资者选择将现金存入人民币账户和短期人民币存单&这些账户的收益率比美元账户高,但没有债券的价格波动。
The cash of the broad sense means in addition to cash in vault outside, also include the multiform bank deposit and cashier's check, bank draft and various negotiable security. 广义的现金是指除了库存现金之外,还包括各种形式的银行存款和银行本票、银行汇票及各种有价证券。
Accountants define cash as money on deposit in banks and any items that banks will accept for deposit. 会计上所称的现金是指存放在银行的货币存款和任何可以随时被银行接受的其他款项。
The physical assets and the monetary assets ( generally refering to M_1 i. e, the cash in the circulation and current deposit) are the rwo poles of the property. 实物资产和货币资产(通常指M1,即流通中的现金和银行的活期存款)位于财产链的两极。